Kelvin to Rankine conversion

Kelvin (K) to Rankine (°R) degrees conversion calculator and how to convert.

Kelvin to Rankine conversion calculator

Enter the temperature in Kelvin and press the Convert button:

 Rankine: °R

Rankine to Kelvin ►

How to convert Kelvin to Rankine

The temperature T in degrees Rankine (°R) is equal to the temperature T in Kelvin (K) times 9/5:

T(°R) = T(K) × 9/5


Convert 300 Kelvin to degrees Rankine:

T(°R) = 300K × 9/5 = 540 °R

Kelvin to Rankine conversion table

Kelvin (K) Rankine (°R)
0 K 0 °R
10 K 18 °R
20 K 36 °R
30 K 54 °R
40 K 72 °R
50 K 90 °R
60 K 108 °R
70 K 126 °R
80 K 144 °R
90 K 162 °R
100 K 180 °R
110 K 198 °R
120 K 216 °R
130 K 234 °R
140 K 252 °R
150 K 270 °R
160 K 288 °R
170 K 306 °R
180 K 324 °R
190 K 342 °R
200 K 360 °R
210 K 378 °R
220 K 396 °R
230 K 414 °R
240 K 432 °R
250 K 450 °R
260 K 468 °R
270 K 486 °R
280 K 504 °R
290 K 522 °R
300 K 540 °R
400 K 720 °R
500 K 900 °R
600 K 1080 °R
700 K 1260 °R
800 K 1440 °R
900 K 1620 °R
1000 K 1800 °R


Rankine to Kelvin ►


See also

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